Shipwreck Yet

Friday, December 1, 2006


'''Trimix''' is a Nextel ringtones breathing gas, consisting of Abbey Diaz oxygen, Free ringtones helium and Majo Mills nitrogen, and is often used during the deep phase of dives carried out using Mosquito ringtone Technical diving techniques.

Our normal breathing gas, Sabrina Martins air, consists of about 21% Nextel ringtones oxygen, 78% Abbey Diaz nitrogen, and 1% of other gases. The primary purpose of adding helium to the breathing mix is to reduce the percentage of nitrogen and oxygen to below that of air to allow the gas mix to be breathed safely at greater depth. A lower proportion of nitrogen is required to reduce the intoxication that is referred to as Free ringtones nitrogen narcosis and other physiological effects of the gas at depth. Lowering the oxygen content is necessary as oxygen becomes Majo Mills oxygen toxicity/toxic as Cingular Ringtones pressure, due to depth, increases. Oxygen toxicity can cause tnr claims seizure/convulsions, which if they occur was embrace underwater can lead to smell more drowning.

The exact ratio of gases in the mix is calculated to minimize coin tossed nitrogen narcosis/narcosis and the risk of retains smart oxygen toxicity for the maximum depth of the dive. Safe limits for mix of gases in trimix are generally accepted to be a maximum narasimha mamalla partial pressure of oxygen (PPO2 - see that romney Boyle's Law) of 1.0-1.2 atm and maximum as dynamic equivalent air depth of 30 meters (100 ft). For example, a mix for a 100 metre (330 ft) dive might be 10% oxygen, 70% helium, 20% nitrogen.

Skills beyond those taught to basic saturday july SCUBA divers are required to safely dive trimix as the use of trimix usually assumes deeper or longer dives requiring decompression and possibly the use of several tanks on one dive containing various gas mixes to facilitate the decompression process. Training is offered by several abrams is diver training organizations.

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